Simply Sunday……Washed Up

This morning was so beautiful. And rare. We got up early and went down to Blackness Beach to walk Alfie.  The sun was shining, the air crisp and clear whilst I collected washed up sea glass, shells and discarded feathers.

Location – Blackness



No Make Up Selfie for Breast Cancer

Unless you don’t use Facebook you will not have escaped the nominations coming in thick and fast for ladies to take no make up selfies and donate £3 for the good cause.

Here’s mine I took Thursday morning complete with wet hair…… and one with make up this morning, neither image has been edited.

Taken with Nikon D90


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Detail….Designer Shoes I Don’t Own

DSC_0130 DSC_0084I’ll be honest…I don’t have enough disposable income to spend on designer shoes or designer anything for that matter.  I’ve got two teenagers…one with an expensive sport to boot!  But a girl can lust.  Heels make you feel sassy and confident.  Designer heels I would imagine make you feel sassy, confident, comfortable and rich!  And…whilst I love wearing heels on a night out – for day they are just not practical for everyday, I must be showing my age – ballet flats for day for me! These were taken on a recent shoot in Edinburgh and belonged to my model.

Location – Edinburgh

Images by Teresa Dickson using Nikon D90 and 35 lens


Simply Sunday……Easy Weekend

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If you are like me…when you work flat out all week and have a busy family life you want to squeeze the most out of the weekends.  I hate that feeling when the alarm goes off at 6 am on a Monday morning and you feel unfulfilled.

I haven’t had a busy weekend, it’s been relatively laid back and easy.  Twelve Years a Slave on Friday night at my local independent cinema Boness Hipppodrome – left me feeling emotionally drained.  Saturday I pottered, after picking up this  pre-loved chair that I have had specifically painted in zingy yellow  from The Wee Vintage  Shop (weirdly engraved with my maiden initials!) and today I have been for afternoon tea with friends in the cosy vintage styled Brodies and stuffed myself with hummus sandwiches and coconut scones.  All in all it has been an easy weekend – but I want it to continue…….I’m already dreading that alarm going off tomorrow.


All images by Teresa Dickson

Scent of Spring…..

DSC_0001-3Driving home from  work this evening – I swear I could smell Spring.  The sun was bright and warm and there seemed to be more people milling about on the streets.  Snowdrops were in full bloom when I walked Alfie and the birds were singing……bliss

Already I’m dreaming of lazy barbeques, eating breakfast in the dappled sunlight, sleeping in my hammock…..
