New Things…..

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This week has been particularly crap.  So Saturday morning comes, got to lie in bed longer, drink tea and catch up on the ipad – bliss!  I managed to catch Mia for five minutes before she headed off into town, to sit for me.  She showed off her new piercings, I was trying out my new camera.

The end of my week is definitely looking up.

Shot on an Olympus OMD EM-1

Model – Mia


The Portrait Session #19 …….Just Dad


Sunday afternoon here in Scotland was a wash out.  We passed the afternoon reading the papers, playing cribbage, drinking red wine with Mum in the kitchen making pasta.


Project 7….Day 7

Very behind.  Who cares? Felt wrong not to complete the project that was meant to get me back to being creative after months of studio work.

Freeda is our friends dog, she came to stay for a few days and lovingly watched Mia eating toast in the mornings.


A reflection within a reflection, taken from my downstairs bathroom mirror.


Still have almost two weeks left of holidays and I have to be honest I’ve not done all I want to do and feel I have wasted some of my time – the odd day here and there passed with nothingness.   No point dwelling on what has been. Here’s to the next almost two weeks!


Looking Back……Looking Up and Ahead

Going through some old images I found this one of my Mum when we visited the Botanics, probably two years ago now, when she and Dad were up visiting.  Incidentally, one of me favourite images of my Dad was taken there.  Mum and Dad are visiting this coming weekend, which I am looking forward to.  We will drink lots of wine, play cribbage, talk a lot of crap and hopefully soak up some of the Edinburgh Fringe atmosphere.

